Large number of repeated radio signals coming from galaxy 1.5 billion light years away!
It’s not aliens until it’s aliens. A Fast Radio Burst, or FRB, is a high-energy astrophysical phenomenon first discovered in 2007. It’s manifested as a transient radio pulse lasting a few milliseconds on average, with no known cause or origin. What’s most interesting is that up until the reporting of this new story in the Independent, these signals were only found to repeat themselves only one other time. Now, scientists have seen a signal repeat six times over a period of a few weeks, and all from the same location.
While there’s a strong possibility that scientists will discover that FRBs are indeed a natural phenomenon, there’s definitely still reason to hope that these signals could be from or a side effect of an advanced civilization. Of course, said advanced civilization would have sent the signal 1.5 billion years ago, so it’s unlikely they’re still around, but proof would be proof, regardless of vintage. This is definitely something to keep an eye on going forward.