Humble Book Bundle: Spring Clean Your Life by Mango Media - Just $1 for books on mindfulness, clutter reduction, organization, and more!
Get clean and clutter-free. Spring cleaning for the body and mind! Build up your self-esteem, set achievable goals, and boost your happiness with this bundle of ebooks. Pick up Animal Kind, Your Goal Guide, Real Life Mindfulness, Clutter Connection, Real Life Organizing, It’s Your Weirdness That Makes Your Wonderful, and more. Plus, your purchase will support the Book Industry Charitable Foundation!
Pay $1 or more. Normally, the total cost for the ebooks in this bundle is as much as $306. Here at Humble Bundle, you choose the price and increase your contribution to upgrade your bundle! This bundle has a minimum $1 purchase.
Read them anywhere. The ebooks in this bundle are available in PDF and ePub formats, so they work on your computer, e-readers, iPads, cell phones, and a wide array of mobile devices! Instructions and a list of recommended reading programs can be found here.
Support charity. Choose where the money goes – between the publisher and Book Industry Charitable Foundation via the PayPal Giving Fund. If you like what we do, you can leave us a Humble Tip too!