Review: WAHAH Folding Mobile Phone Desktop Stand
There are a lot of phone and tablet stand options, so it takes a lot to stand out. Unfortunately, the WAHAH Folding Mobile Phone Desktop Stand is high-priced and decidedly mediocre.

The stand has three points of angle adjustment: base, upper portion, and device holder. It can also fold down for easy transportation, but it’s not completely flat, so that limits its portability a bit.

The biggest failing is that the base is not weighted. It’s certainly a wide enough platform, but without weights in the plastic, using larger tablets can cause the whole stand to tip over. It’s also prone to some shaking. Using a small tablet or smartphone minimizes these issues, but does not completely eliminate them.

On the plus side, this stand does allow you to raise your smartphone or tablet higher than many other stands. Despite this positive, however, there are too many negatives and other limitations – especially at its price point – to really recommend it.