Build your Own Joystick Controller by Make: Humble Bundle
Make: Hack, craft, and play your own games with one of the four bundle options found here.
Unleash your creativity with this treasure trove of knowledge from the organization behind Make: magazine and Maker Faire, and learn how to use these tools to turn your game ideas into a reality. This in-depth book bundle gives you the knowledge and resources to create mechanical and electronic games: design and 3D print game boards and figures; connect electronic circuits, integrating lights, sounds and movement; or code and incorporate an Arduino, Raspberry Pi, or other microcontroller to bring your game to interactive life. Plus, your purchase helps support Girls Make Games Scholarship Fund!
When you pay $40 or more, get a physical DIY Arcade Joystick Kit (shipping and handling not included)—great whether you’re a seasoned gamer or just looking for a great hands-on project to tackle!

You can always check out the most recent Humble Bundle offers here and here.