Learn a cornerstone of the programming language with our Next Level Python Bundle. This comprehensive curriculum will...
Get up to date on the latest tech driving business intelligence, data analytics, and other essential topics...
The journey to programming mastery starts with one step—get on the path today with this bundle, full...
Time to level up as a Python programmer! Get your hands on 20+ books covering advanced programming...
Write powerful, easy-to-maintain code with Ruby, create great web apps quickly with Rails, and more with the...
Pick up essential (and salary-boosting) data science skills applicable across business, research, and academia with this book...
Learn Python programming or software architecture with one of two book bundle options!
Teach yourself the essentials of C++, the basics of Python, the foundations of computer graphics programming, and...
Learn to harness the power and potential of the Python programming language with this bundle of courses.
Get a handle on the fast, powerful, and popular open-source Python programming language with these books from...
Plus up your coding skills in a range of useful languages with the help of Robust Python,...
Training up on the Python programming language? This mix of online courses, books, exercises, and tools is...
Plus up your programming skills with Python Crash Course, Make Python Talk, Invent Your Own Computer Games...
Get trained up on Python, Javascript, and other popular programming languages with these books and self-paced projects...
Wrap your head around Python programming with Python for Geeks, Machine Learning Engineering with Python, Clean Code...
Learn to solve tricky coding problems and bolster a system’s security with ebooks like How to Hack...
Get software like Mastering PyCharm (2021 Edition), Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python, and 6 months of PyCharm...
The Humble Book Bundle: Head First Programming by O'Reilly just launched on Monday, April 19th and will...
The Game Dev, Design & Graphics by Mercury Book Bundle just launched on Monday, March 22 and...
The Pocket Reference Guides by O'Reilly Book Bundle just launched on Monday, March 1 and will be...